They want $300 to run diagnosis codes when you can run them for free anywhere else. My fix would cost $30 in parts and right out the bat they want $300 just to diagnose. Scam alert.
Good afternoon Mr. or Mrs. PT. Please read this as it is very important. What you get from a parts store is not the same as what you get from a reputable shop. To "just pull codes" we do not charge and can do this on the front driveway while you wait and give you the results whether it is 1 code or 10 from 1 module or 40, it does not pin point what is actually wrong in most cases, Also shops that say they do not bill for testing are in most cases, hiding the cost of that testing into the final repair bill. But to correctly identify the data trouble codes, preform the necessary testing and inspections to first verify if a sensor has failed, bad wiring, a vacuum leak, low fuel pressure, engine misfires, bad ground, poor programing, clogged filters, etc. we do charge for this time and experience and tools (factory level testing equipment and not what they use at a parts store) for a technician (a real person) to get paid for working. kind of like when you go to work you would like to get paid, right?. The testing time charged for will often end of saving our clients time and hard earned money by identifying what is actually wrong. Case in point, we recently had a client replace all 3 of 6 of his own oxygen sensors based on a parts store with a pocket scanner telling him he had "bad o2 sensors" he spent over $460.00 in sensors plus he said he bought some of the specialty tools (like $100.00) to do the work himself. But still had the same "Oxygen sensor code" he brought it to us and our detailed testing that was given to the client with pictures and video found rat chewed wiring that was the actual problem. Cost of the testing and repairs were $350.00. Had he come to us first we would have saved him $210.00. When bashing a 27 year old business with a very good reputation and very dedicated, experienced ASE certified technicians please compare apples to apples.
- Craig's Car Care