Posted on 10/28/2020

Your alternator supplies electricity to your systems and recharges your battery while your engine is running. To keep it running smoothly, you need Ford Alternator Repair Allen, TX. Regular electrical and charging system diagnostics should be performed to avoid issues related to having a bad alternator. The stored power inside your car battery is not sufficient to power all the electronic features of today’s Ford vehicles. The battery can provide the energy to start your car, but once your car is running with all electronics functioning, the alternator works as a generator that creates an electric current to keep your battery fully charged. An alternator uses the engine power to give you the electricity needed to listen to your favorite music or podcast the entire time you are on the road. It also keeps your headlights working at night and your airconditioning running on a hot summer day in Allen, TX. Almost all Ford vehicles have an alternator ... read more
Posted on 10/27/2020

Way too many accidents happen at night on Texas roads. There are a lot of factors, but a big one is simply visibility: if you can’t see something, it’s hard to avoid hitting it. There are some things Lucas and Wylie drivers can do to make sure they can see as much as possible when they’re driving in the dark. First of all, keep your windshield clean . Glare from oncoming headlights can obscure obstacles in the road. Clean off that film that builds up on the inside of your windshield. And make sure you have good wiper blades and plenty of washer fluid . Now it could be that your headlights aren’t as bright as they used to be . It happens – the bulbs just dim over time. If it’s been a couple of years since you replaced your headlamps and they aren’t lighting up the road like the ... read more