Posted on 2/27/2023

Electrolysis is a process that can cause severe damage to the radiator and cooling system in your vehicle. It occurs when electric current travels to parts where it shouldn't be and corrodes the thin metal pipes, causing them to leak and malfunction over time. Understanding Electrolysis Electrolysis is a common problem that affects the radiator and is caused by energy from ungrounded parts or faulty wiring. The electric current flows through the metal pipes that contain and cool the coolant fluid, causing corrosion and deteriorating the pipes. This can also occur due to the difference in electrical resistance between different parts of the vehicle's cooling system. Causes of Electrolysis Poor grounding is the primary cause of electrolysis. Electricity is allowed to flow through parts and fluids in the cooling system, causing damage. Some common reasons for poor grounding include: Bad wiring or tampering with the wiring Insufficient repairs Damaged or shorted relays Inco ... read more