Posted on 3/3/2021

At Craig’s Car Care in Allen, TX, we know that your Toyota vehicle is a prized investment. The Japanese automotive brand is known for manufacturing durable vehicles and even topping worldwide reliability charts, but some issues can still show up over time. That is why we are here to help you maintain your Toyota’s reliability and performance for a long time. Here are five smart, cost-effective tips that can help save you from expensive repair services and parts replacement: 1. Regularly check your tires. Make sure that you keep the tires inflated to the recommended pressure. For Toyota vehicles, that’s around 32-36 PSI. Under-inflated tires can cause you to burn 3-5% more fuel and add strain to the car. Next, you should check your tires for cracks and other signs of damages. If you notice uneven wear on the treads, you may have faulty suspension or wheel bal ... read more