Posted on 8/30/2022

Like any other car parts, tires have a lifespan. Lack of proper maintenance causes them to wear out before the expected replacement time. Weary tires can make a car skid or slip, resulting in an accident. Here are some of the reasons that cause tires to wear down prematurely. Poor Tires Inflation The car pressure level is indicated on the car manual. Low pressure causes wear and tear on the outsides of the tires. High-pressure damages the inner treads of the tires. Drivers should regularly check tire pressure using a gauge at the gas station to prevent reduced mileage from premature tire wear. Failing to Rotate Tires The damage to tires happens unevenly due to differences in road terrains. Regular tire rotation tries to even out the tearing of wheel treads so that the tires last longer. It involves bringing the rear tires to the front and the front ones to the back. Car manufacturers recommend cycling after 5000 to 7500 miles or with every oil change for easy tracking. Irregular ... read more
Posted on 8/25/2022

Brakes are one of the most important parts of a car. When your car comes to a halt, it can mean the difference between life and death for you or someone else who might be with you. But like any parts of your car, brakes do get affected by wear and tear which is why it is important to recognize the signs that it’s time to visit your trusted mechanic for a brake repair near you. There are many different types of brakes, each designed for different conditions and driving styles. Brake maintenance is essential for keeping your car running safely and smoothly as properly maintained brakes that have been serviced regularly will provide plenty of stopping power to help keep you safe on the road. However, as brakes are bound to get worn out at some point, we’ll take a look at some telltale signs your car’s brakes need repair. The brake light is on The easiest way to te ... read more