Posted on 10/9/2019

Your water pump is the heart of your engines cooling system. It is what moves the hot coolant out and away from your engine and to the radiator where it is cooled off with a fan when sitting in traffic or at a stop light and then is cooled by the air as it is blown through the front of the cars grill while you are driving. It is passed around by way of the upper and lower radiator hoses, engine passageways and of course the radiator and heater core (where your heat comes from in the winter to keep you warm) Most water pumps can last between 80,000 to 150,000 miles before the bearings and or seals wear out and it starts to leak or worse yet fails all at once and ends your commute to wherever you were going. If you watch the video this water pump on this jeep was not leaking but was overheating due to the plastic part used for pumping the coolant through the engine had broken in the center and left this engine getting to hot. It had to be towed in to be fixed so the engine did not dama ... read more