Posted on 10/25/2021

A car's brake fluid is an integral part of the braking system. Right here in Allen, TX, Auto Mechanics in Craigs Car Care can help you ensure that your car's brake fluid is well-maintained. It helps to regulate the hydraulic pressure in your car's braking system, and if it gets too low or too high, you will need to replace it with a new brake fluid. It would be best to change your brake fluid at least once a year; however, some people recommend changing it every six months instead. The frequency with which you should change your brake fluid depends on the type of car you have and how often you drive it. And you can always seek help from an automotive repair and service facility right here in Allen, TX to know if you need a brake fluid change. Drivers in Allen, TX who only take short trips in their cars every day or two may want to consider changing their brake fluids more frequently than those who take long roa ... read more
Posted on 4/25/2021

From the Compass SUV to the Gladiator pickup, Jeep has an impressive lineup of high-performance vehicles. At Craig’s Car Care, we know that your Jeep is a prized investment that you want to keep durable for a long time. Jeeps require regular maintenance and care to stay reliable. That’s why we asked our certified auto repair mechanics for ways to preserve your vehicle’s longevity. Here are five doable tips that you should follow to maintain your vehicle’s performance and prevent costly, unplanned repairs in the future. 1. Follow your maintenance schedule with our Jeep Auto Repair technicians in Allen, TX. Your dealer in Texas probably suggested that you visit an automotive shop for servicing every 5,000 - 7,500 miles or six months. Our experienced auto mechanics agree with this, but we strongly recommend a more proactive approach for mainta ... read more
Posted on 3/4/2021

Money-Saving Tips from Auto Mechanics Near Me Every vehicle owner has gone through the hassle of repairs. As a car owner myself, looking for Auto Mechanics near me was only half of the problem. Not everyone can fix general car issues on their own. Most owners do not have the skills and tools to fix their vehicles themselves (or so they think). However, that should not stop you from learning about the important fundamentals. In this blog, we’ll be listing down several tips straight from professional mechanics themselves on what to do and what not to do when managing a vehicle fix issue. Habits to Extend Your Car’s Life 1. Respect the Break-in Period: Keep your speed under 55mph for your car’s first 1,000 miles. 2. Avoid heavy loads on the drive train: If your vehicle isn’t designed to load heavy things on the roof rack or trunk with heavy materials, avoid it as much as possible. 3. Do not Idl ... read more
Posted on 3/4/2021

Most of the time, it’s quite obvious that we need to check our cars in for auto repair. However, there are also cases when you cannot clearly say whether you need to get auto repair. This blog is perfect for individuals wondering whether or not they’ll need Auto Service and Repair Allen TX. Strange Noises A weird noise is always one of the indicators that something is wrong. When owning a car, it’s highly suggested that you get used to what your car sounds like and how loud or silent they are. If you notice any changes keep observing it and if it worsens, have it checked out. Common sounds to look out for are grinding noises while braking, a whining transmission, or a knocking noise under the hood (a sign of worn engine bearings). If in case you hear these noises, immediately consult professionals near you. Exhaust Smoke Increase Assessment by Auto Service and Repair Allen TX Changes in ... read more
Posted on 3/3/2021

At Craig’s Car Care in Allen, TX, we know that your Toyota vehicle is a prized investment. The Japanese automotive brand is known for manufacturing durable vehicles and even topping worldwide reliability charts, but some issues can still show up over time. That is why we are here to help you maintain your Toyota’s reliability and performance for a long time. Here are five smart, cost-effective tips that can help save you from expensive repair services and parts replacement: 1. Regularly check your tires. Make sure that you keep the tires inflated to the recommended pressure. For Toyota vehicles, that’s around 32-36 PSI. Under-inflated tires can cause you to burn 3-5% more fuel and add strain to the car. Next, you should check your tires for cracks and other signs of damages. If you notice uneven wear on the treads, you may have faulty suspension or wheel bal ... read more
Posted on 2/11/2021

Regular maintenance of your Honda is the key. Honda is well-known for its reliable vehicles and its wide range of models that cater to different needs and budget. However, issues will eventually crop up even on top-of-the-line cars, especially with older ones. With proper attention, you can maintain your car’s performance and avoid the steep costs of unplanned repairs. How often should Honda auto mechanics service my car? Most repair technicians in Allen, TX, would advise you to follow your auto maintenance schedule based on mileage. That’s around 3.000-5,000 miles for most Honda cars. We at Craig’s Car Care agree with this, but we also believe that your trip to a Honda repair center should depend on the car’s age and your typical driving conditions ... read more
Posted on 2/10/2021

My Cruise Control Does Not Work and my Traction Control Light is on! If you drive, you know at some point, something's going to go wrong with your vehicle. And sometimes, it's pretty easy to figure out what's wrong, like a flat tire. But sometimes your vehicle's symptoms can be really weird! One driver was heading to work one day and noticed when he pressed the accelerator, sometimes it wouldn't do anything. He also noticed his cruise control wouldn't work and his traction control light was constantly on. When he took his car in for a diagnosis, boy was he surprised! He learned that it was from an accident he'd had about 6 months earlier which was at the root of his problems. In January his car had slid on ice when he was in reverse and had gently tapped a tree. That caused a tiny crack in his rear stoplight. That crack had gone unnoticed until that July day. When a summer rain allowed water to seep into the taill ... read more
Posted on 1/12/2021

Craigs Car Care, Tech Question: Hi. I bought a new minivan in Fairview and it started smoking white colored smoke out the tail pipe. My Shop over in Lucas near Allen said my head gasket went out. What can I do to prevent this from happening again? Craigs Car Care, Answer: The head gasket fits between the top of the engine and the cylinder head. Its job is to seal that connection and keep oil and coolant circulating in the right parts of the engine. When it leaks from overheating and or a crack, oil can get in the coolant and vice versa. Sometimes coolant or engine oil can get into the combustion chamber where it gets burned with the fuel – which is what makes all that white smoke Landon was talking about. He said his cars engine was new, so it’s likely that the head gasket failed because it was improperly installed – which is very rare. Sometimes they just burn through from age or ot ... read more
Posted on 11/14/2020

On the off chance that you are searching for Toyota auto mechanics in your general vicinity, you should know that there are individuals who are attempting to bring in snappy cash from questionable fixes. It can likewise be confounding because of the number of auto shops in your area that offer Toyota fix administrations. You should search for auto specialists who can keep up your vehicle dependent on Toyota's norms. Auto shops are incredible assistance when you run into issues so you can get back out and about as fast and securely as could reasonably be expected. We share a few hints on what to search for in a Toyota technician. What You Should Look For When Choosing Toyota Auto Mechanics At the point when your Toyota needs standard registration or significant fixes, you can go to an autonomous shop with Toyota auto mechanics. Toyota auto-fixes don't need to be confounded. However long you pick the ... read more
Posted on 10/28/2020

Your alternator supplies electricity to your systems and recharges your battery while your engine is running. To keep it running smoothly, you need Ford Alternator Repair Allen, TX. Regular electrical and charging system diagnostics should be performed to avoid issues related to having a bad alternator. The stored power inside your car battery is not sufficient to power all the electronic features of today’s Ford vehicles. The battery can provide the energy to start your car, but once your car is running with all electronics functioning, the alternator works as a generator that creates an electric current to keep your battery fully charged. An alternator uses the engine power to give you the electricity needed to listen to your favorite music or podcast the entire time you are on the road. It also keeps your headlights working at night and your airconditioning running on a hot summer day in Allen, TX. Almost all Ford vehicles have an alternator ... read more